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Newssheet 16th February 2025



Sunday Services


Morning 16th February 2025 | 10.30 am | New series-Re:wilding the church

We continue our new Sunday morning series.  We will also be sharing in Communion together.


Evening 16th February 2025 | 7pm | Prayer & Praise Evening | St Denys Church, Lisvane

We join with other Christians in North Cardiff to worship and pray together.

Prayer Times

There are a couple of opportunities each week to join with others for a time of prayer. Monday Evening at 7pm and/or Saturday morning at 10am both in the lounge. It would be great if you could join us. 
Crafty Chatters

Do you enjoy craft? A few of us will be getting together to craft, have a chat and catch up over a cup of tea or coffee.  We meet on the 1st  Friday of every month from 7.30pm - 9pm.  If you are interested in coming along or want to know more, have a chat with Sue Rock or Ruth Evans. 

Coffee Mornings and Service

The coffee mornings take place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. We also have a monthly daytime service with traditional hymns and a short  reflection at 11 am on the fourth Tuesday of every month.  The next midweek service is on the 25th of February


Family News

We have to pass on the sad news that Audrey Coles went to be with her Lord and Saviour on Wednesday night. She was very much at peace and her family had been with her for a special day together around her bed in the hospice. We thank God for her , and especially for her faith in the saving grace of Jesus, and that though we are sorrowful to have lost her - we rejoice that she is held in the eternal love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit


Alpha Course

Taking place on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm.

Youth Alpha

This is now running weekly  at 7 pm on Wednesday evenings .  We alternate with Rhiwbina Baptist church  for this exciting event. This week the session will be at Bethel.


As a Baptist church, Bethel is entirely self-funded by the giving of its members and those who attend regularly. If you’d like to support our ministry and mission in an ongoing way – we can do so either by placing donations in the offering box on the Bible shelves near the sound desk, pay by contactless giving on the phone there, or by bank transfers.

Please see the following information about the way the church is funded.  Many thanks.  There are also QR codes in various places in the Church Lounge and Church hall for you to scan to support the ministry and mission of the church if you so wish.

Church Lunch

This will be on Sunday 23rd February after the morning service.  Please look at the sheet in the lounge to sign up and see what is required.

Secret Book Swap!

On the day of the church lunch we will also be having a "secret book swap!"
Simply wrap up a book you'd like to swap in plain paper, and jot just a few words on the wrapped paper about the type of book it is (ie., devotional, study, history, biography, fiction, etc.). These will be available to look at and pick up, and will help us to read other types of Christian books that we perhaps wouldn't pick up otherwise! 

Church Members' Meetings

Please put the following Church members' meeting dates for the year into your diary

Wednesday 14th May 
Wednesday 24th September AGM 
Thursday 27th November  

Connection Groups Meetings

The dates for the remaining Connection groups meetings this year are as follows.  If you are a member of any of the groups, please put the dates into your diary.  All at 7.30 pm in the church lounge (or 7pm for prayer beforehand)

7th April
2nd June
4th August
6th October
1st December

Cleaning Rota

We have a cleaning rota at the moment made up of a lovely team of volunteers.  Some people have had to drop out recently for various reasons,  so we're asking again if anyone might have some time in the month at all to help with the cleaning duties.  You can do as much or as little as you like!  If you would like to volunteer or find out more of what is involved, please let Lorraine in the office know.  Many thanks.

Bethel Tots

This takes place  on Wednesday afternoons from 1-2.30 pm in the Church.  For little ones and their parents/guardians.  Refreshments, toys, together play and story time and a chance to get together with others. Please tell anyone you think might be interested.



Cambrensis Concert

Join Cambrensis on Saturday 8th March from 7pm – 8.30pm for an Evening with Cambrensis at Minster Christian Centre, Sturminster Road, Roath, CF23 5AQ -music to delight and inspire praise under the direction of MD Kelvin Thomas and accompanist and Associate MD, Graeme Hunter. Free entry with a retiring collection to support the  excellent work of Rainbow of Hope as they serve the homeless, disadvantaged and  asylum seekers and refugees in Cardiff.


As you may be aware,  in the church porch , lounge and hall we have three separate bins (one for general waste and the other two for specific recycling items)  When you dispose of rubbish, if you could place it in the appropriate bin we would really appreciate it.  We now have the same category of outside bins so it will be easier to transfer rubbish from the inside to outside bins if the correct items are put in the appropriate bin. Many thanks for your co-operation with thi?



Sunday Groups
Bethel Tots – Creche – for Babies to Reception age
Crèche is available in the Church Lounge during the morning service, Parents are advised to stay with their children. A live stream of the service is available.
Bethel Kids – Sunday – School years 1 – 4
Meeting in the Church Hall during the morning service. Come along for fun, Bible stories and games.
Bethel Teens – Sunday – School Years 5 – 9

Meeting in the Church Hall during the morning service. We have a great time, playing some games and looking in the Bible for lessons it can give us, for how we live today,

To be part of any of the groups above you will need to complete the registration form online here, so that we have relevant safety and contact information for your child:
Weekly Groups
Bethel Kids Club  on a Friday night between 6pm and 7:15pm in the usual place, this is still for school years 4 - 7.   Please encourage the young people to share with friends

Bethel Youth  on a Friday night between 7pm and 9pm for School Years 7 - 13
You will notice a slight overlap in time and ages, this is so the kids and youth are familiar with one another and it makes transition between the groups easier in the long run.

Watoto Children's Choir Concert

Some really exciting last minute news.....A Ugandan Christian Childrens Choir is going to Thornhill Church on Tuesday 18th February with a concert at 5.45 pm,

To find out more about this remarkable choir, please follow the link

Places You Can Find Us




News to Celebrate

If you, or someone you know,  are celebrating a very special birthday or anniversary then please do let us know so we can celebrate as a church family.

Accident Reporting

Just a little reminder that if an accident occurs on the premises at any time, an accident form needs to be fillled in and passed to Lorraine in the office for our records. Many thanks.


On Sundays  we will be having an in-person service at church and also live streaming messages via YouTube live at 10:30am.  You will be able to view these without a YouTube account, and they will also be available on Smart TVs/Fire stick etc. for those without tablets/laptops. The livestream links are available on the website. If anyone is struggling to access the livestreams, please let us know.

Problem accessing online content?

If you have had a problem accessing the online blogs, sermons or newssheet, please let Lorraine in the office know as she can arrange to send these out in the post (including CD versions of the services)


Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 


Where and When

The church is open for activities throughout the week but if you are just seeking us out it is likely that you will want to come and be a part of our Sunday worship which is core to what we are about.
We meet in the main church building (details here) at 10:30 each week. See our calendar to find out plans for the next few weeks.


There is wheelchair access and a sound loop for anyone who needs it. Please let one of the Welcome Team know on your arrival and they will help you to get set up. There are disabled toilets in the main foyer and church lounge.

Our Sunday Services

Sunday morning services are structured but informal. They include a mix of both contemporary and traditional worship songs and hymns, prayers, readings from the Bible and a sermon that unpacks this. Occasionally we will also have specific updates about ways that God has been working through and in people and activities. Once a month we celebrate communion as part of the service. The last Sunday of the month is usually an Altogether Service when all ages are all together in one place for a more relaxed and activity based time of worship.

We aim to finish at about 11.45 to Midday when we serve free tea, coffee and cold drinks. This is a great opportunity to get to meet people.

Sunday Evening services, either in person or online, tend to be shorter and more reflective and are an opportunity to dig a little deeper into our relationship with God.

What about the children and youth?

We have a great programme for children of all ages, for more information about what happens please visit our Children and Youth page.

Getting Connected


Small Groups

It is often in smaller gatherings that we can really get to know other people. Being part of one of our small groups allows you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have a variety of groups that meet throughout the week, some in the afternoon and some in the evening either in the church, in peoples’ homes or online    .
If you are interested in joining a Small Group, let us know and we can put you in touch with the small group coordinator who will be more than happy to find a group that is convenient for you and introduce you to the group leader.

Get Involved

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved with the life of our church. If you'd like to find out more, please let us know.

Get in touch with us to plan your visit
If you would like to discuss anything before you visit the church, get in touch and we can arrange a time to chat with you.
Email Address:
Comments / Questions or anything you would like to say?