37. The Scars of Love
Sunday 31st March
(for more details see here)
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Like the bright rays of sunlight sprint over the horizon’s starting line
It’s glorious glow spreading out across out the sky like a spilt drink
Cause my heart to rise to You this day
Cause my soul to shake off its hunger-less hibernation,
And awaken me to the warmth of Your every morning new mercy
This day, of all days, may I rise with You
Like the turning of the globe, rolling over from long slumber to the splendour of light
Turn my gaze to glory – to the grace-notes and God-strokes scattered before me
May Your ever-present presence energise my efforts, entice my entire imagination, empower m enduring
Boost my burdened body, bolster my bruised bones, embolden my belief
Fix my focus on the unfailing favour flowing from Your face
This day, of all days, may I rise with You
Like the songbird takes to her highly leafy stages
And welcomes the warmth of the sun with her glorious crescendo-ing chorus
Cause my mind to make melodies to the master of each new morning
Cause my lips to thrill with the lush libretto of the liberated
And fill my days, my space, my ways with the impassioned power of pure praise
This day, of all days, may I rise with You
This day, of all days, this Easter day, this morning of resurrection glory… the starting of a new story…
Like a shaking tomb that knows the shattering truth that no boulder can hold or block this owner
God, roll away the death stone of doubt and defeat, drowning out the darkness in divine delight
Cause this battered heart to beat once more
Cause this crushed soul to stir and soar
Cause these dry bones to dance on Life’s dance floor
This day, of all days, may I rise with You
Like a discarded collection of grave clothes, unwound, unwanted and as unnecessary now as nightwear
God, untangle the trappings of yesterday’s yearnings, unweave my will from wallowing and weakness
Cause my feet to march to resurrection’s unrelenting rhythm
Cause my resolve to rise to the parade of the previously imprisoned
Cause my love to learn the likeness of the Lord who is located among the living
This day, of all days, may I rise with You
Because a sealed grave could never contain You
Because rock could never restrain You
Because death had no claim on You
Because sin could never stain You
Because You have been given the Name to
Which all authority must subscribe to
Every nation, tongue and tribe to You
Because of this morning, this message, this mercy
Because You live – glimmers of glory glint in gardens meant for grieving…
Because Your empty tomb is an entrance torn… an endless cycle ended
Earth’s empty existence is emptied of its enmity, expunged of it’s enemy, encountering eternity
Because You live – this day, of all days, may I rise with You.
I prayed this.
My prayer for today: (if you would like to, please feel free to add your own prayer here):