07. The Way of Love
Tuesday 20th Feb

(for more details see here)
I wish I had another heart to bring, one more innocent – one more honest – one more pure, like Yours
But You desire me simply to bring mine, and not another’s…
Someone else’s script won’t pass - someone else’s face won’t mask
You’re peering beyond appearances, seeing deeper than skin and smiles, success and scars
Listening in to the unreleased dialogue of our deepest desires
You who know the total count of stars in the sky, count us as precious in Your eyes?
You for whom all heaven and nature sing, stoop near to hear… the sound of the soul… the song of my spirit…?
Countless angelic armies in glorious idyllic harmony, yet You value the voiceless and vulnerable vows of our valley-formed vision?
You pursue us and You woo us, You begin us and You win us, You defeat us and complete us
If our unmasked hearts are what You ask of us, then they too are Yours God – they’re all Yours
If You would choose us, if You would use us, if Your holy hands can hold us, Your nail pierced palms would mould us,
If our unmasked hearts are what You ask of us, then they are Yours God – all Yours.
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In his book called:
Grace, Max Lucado reflects on this moment in a chapter called:
Wet Feet -
"Jesus didn't exclude a single follower, though we wouldn't have faulted him had he bypassed Philip. When Jesus told the disciples to feed the throng of five thousand hungry people, Philip, in effect, had retorted, 'It's impossible!' (see John 6:7) So what does Jesus do with someone who questions His commands? Apparently, He washes the doubter's feet.
James and John lobbied for cabinet-level positions in Christ's kingdom. So what does Jesus do when people use His kingdom for personal advancements? He slides a basin in their direction.
Peter quit trusting Christ in the storm. He tried to talk Christ out of going to the cross. Within hours Peter would curse the very name of Jesus and hightail his way into hiding. In fact, all twenty-four of Jesus' followers' feet would soon scoot, leaving Jesus to face His accusers alone. Do you ever wonder what God does with promise breakers? He washes their feet.
And Judas. The lying, conniving, greedy rat who sold Jesus down the river for a pocket of cash. Jesus won't wash his feet, will He? Sure hope not. If He washes the feet of His Judas, you will have to wash the feet of yours. Your betrayer... That ne-er-do-well, that good-for-nothing villian. Jesus' Judas walked away with thirty pieces of silver. Your Judas walked away with your virginity, security, spouse, job, childhood, retirement, investments..."
He goes on to write:
"Sequence matters. Jesus washes first; we wash next. He demonstrates; we follow. He uses the towel (on us) then extends it to us, saying, 'Now you do it. Walk across the floor of your upper room, and wash the feet of your Judas.
So go ahead. Get your feet wet. Remove your socks and shoes, and set your feet in the basin. First one, then the other. Let the hands of God wipe away every dirty part of your life - your dishonesty, adultery, angry outbursts, hypocrisy, pornography. Let Him touch them all. As His hands do their work, look across the room.
Forgiveness may not happen all at once. But it can happen with you. After all, you have wet feet."
Reflection: The Way of Love
"Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.
I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.."
JOHN 13.14-15
I know.
I want to be like Jesus too. I do.
But I know.
This pride thing is massive right?
The unspoken
"why should I have to do this" voice that rages.
The deeply felt
"I'm too important for that" grain that runs so counter to the heart of the kingdom.
But I also know the alternative.
The endless cycles of hurt, revenge and shame. The futility of a life lived for me and mine. The ever-present, haunting sense of competition and comparison.
That is no way to live.
That is not the way of love.
If you and I are ever going to escape that... it'll be by following Jesus down onto our knees, empty our hands of what we're holding onto, and reaching for a towel.
And not just for those we love and know...
But those we know and do not love.
And those we know we do not love us.
And those we do not yet know and are called to love.
Wet feet - those washed by Jesus - must learn a different dance.
Must march to a different tune.
Must gravitate towards those who need serving.
Because that's where Jesus will be found.
Because that's His way.
Because that's the way of love.
Questions for today:
Whose feet would I be willing to wash?
Whose feet would I be unwilling to wash?
Jesus, my Lord and Teacher, my Master and my friend, where are you leading me to serve today?
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.
Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten.
Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.
Lord, grace me the grace to walk the way of love, to be willing to serve everyone, to become more and more and more like you.
Grant to me your strength to do for you,
And whatever the cost, to do it anyway.
I prayed this.
My prayer for today: (if you would like to, please feel free to add your own prayer here):