Newssheet 18th December 2022
YouTube Live!
On Sundays we will be having an in-person service at church and also live streaming messages via YouTube live at 10:30am. You will be able to view these without a YouTube account, and they will also be available on Smart TVs/Fire stick etc. for those without tablets/laptops. The livestream links are available on the website. If anyone is struggling to access the livestreams, please let us know.
Sunday Services
Morning 18th December 2022 | 10.30 am | A Way in A Manger. 03.///A Way to Save Us
Our Christmas mini-series concludes by thinking more about the full purpose of Jesus' Advent!
Evening 18th December 2022 | 6 pm | Christmas Complin Journey: Fullness
Join us for our second and last complin this year in a simple, creative and reflective space to slow down and connect with God
Christmas Nativity
Bethel Kids will be performing their nativity as part of the morning service today. We are really looking forward to their presentation!
Prayer Times
There are a couple of opportunities each week to join with others for a time of prayer. Monday Evening at 7pm and / or Saturday morning at 10am both in the lounge.
Crafty Chatters
Do you enjoy craft? A few of us will be getting together to craft, have a chat and catch up over a cup of tea or coffee. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month from 7.30pm - 9pm. If you are interested in coming along or want to know more, have a chat with Sue Rock or Ruth Evans.
Saltmine Theatre Production of "Rapunzel"
We had a great time this weerk, welcoming over 350 school pupils and also had an almost sold out community performance of Rapunzel. Thanks to everyone who came or helped in any way. It was fabulous!
Christmas Tree Decorating
Can you make a decoration - maybe from wood, paper or clay or can you knit, crochet or sew? Maybe you have things at home you can turn into a decoration or you might prefer to buy a decoration. Please bring them along and hang on the tree & let’s fill this tree with love & blessings this Christmas.
Christmas Cards
Christmas cards from your friends at Bethel are now available in a box in the Church Lounge. Many thanks.
Christmas Cards on Noticeboard
You can also decide to write one card for the whole of Bethel and donate the cost you would have spent on the cards. This will then be added to our Christmas Day offering and will be given to our chosen charity this year. You can pin the card and place your donation in the envelope provided on the noticeboard in the lounge
Christmas Day Offering
The Christmas Day offering will be going this year to the Polish church in Palovice. We are linked with them to support their ongoing work with the Ukrainian refugees.
Carols by Streetlight
Join us at 4 pm on Christmas Eve in the lane between the church and Lloyds bank for our special Carols by Streetlight service. Please invite friends and neighbours, as we join together to celebrate the coming of our Saviour.
Mince Pies
If you would like to bake/buy mince pies(or alternative Christmas cakes) for the Carol service please sign the sheet in the church lounge, indicating the type and quantity you can provide. Please bring the cakes to the church by 23rd December and place them in the box located in the book room. Thank you!
Carols on the Concourse
On Thursday Dec 22nd at 6pm, there will be a Carol service in the UHW concourse area. (spaced for infection control) All welcome.
If you would like to help or play an instrument speak to Sarah Hodges.
Members and Friends Church Directory
The new church directory is available. There are some at the back of the church if you would like to take one. Many thanks.
Family News
We have to share with you the sad news that Bill Gough has passed away. He died at home. Bill was a lovely gentlemen who was keen to use his gifts and help others in so many ways. He was also a man of deep and rich faith, who though absent from us here is now present with His Lord and Saviour in glory. Thanking God for him today, and for the grace of God that has carried him home
Bethel Tots – Creche – for Babies to Reception age
Crèche is available in the Church Lounge during the morning service, Parents are advised to stay with their children. A live stream of the service is available.
Bethel Kids – Sunday – School years 1 – 4
Meeting in the Whitchurch Centre during the morning service. Come along for fun, Bible stories and games.
Bethel Teens – Sunday – School Years 5 – 9
Meeting in the Whitchurch Centre during the morning service. We have a great time, playing some games and looking in the Bible for lessons it can give us, for how we live today,
To be part of any of the groups above you will need to complete the registration form online here, so that we have relevant safety and contact information for your child:
Week Groups
Bethel Teens
Tuesday 7pm – 8:15pm – School Years 5 – 9 (in term time)
A great time to get together with friends from different schools and groups. We play some challenging group games, have a laugh together and learn something new along the way.
Bethel Youth
Friday 7pm – 9pm – School Years 10 – 13 (in term time)
Every Friday we get together-we have games consoles, table tennis, pool, board games and space to chill and chat together. We also have some time to look and learn from theBible, encouraging and growing together in faith.
Places You Can Find Us
News to Celebrate
If you, or someone you know, are celebrating a very special birthday or anniversary then please do let us know so we can celebrate as a church family.
Accident Reporting
Just a little reminder that if an accident occurs on the premises at any time, an accident form needs to be fillled in and passed to Lorraine in the office for our records. Many thanks.
Problem accessing online content?
If you have had a problem accessing the online blogs, sermons or newssheet, please let Lorraine in the office know as she can arrange to send these out in the post (including CD versions of the services)