Newssheet-11th September 2022
YouTube Live!
On Sundays we will be having an in-person service at church and also live streaming messages via YouTube live at 10:30am. You will be able to view these without a YouTube account, and they will also be available on Smart TVs/Fire stick etc. for those without tablets/laptops. The livestream links are available on the website. If anyone is struggling to access the livestreams, please let us know.
Sunday Services
Morning 11th September 2022 | 10.30 am | An Inviting Life | 02 An Open Table
We contine our new morning series which looks at living an attractive Christian life. We will also be sharing in Communion.
Evening 11th September 2022 | 6 pm | {bless} Discipleship Course
We continue our new discipleship group running on a Sunday evening in the Whitchurch Centre. Check out the recent blog for more information
Prayer Times
There are a couple of opportunities each week to join with others for a time of prayer. Monday Evening at 7pm and / or Saturday morning at 10am both in the lounge.
Church Members Meeting and AGM
This will take place in the Church on Wednesday 21st September at 7.30 pm. Nominations are now open for Trustee positions of Elder, Deacon & Church Secretary. Please prayerfully consider who could fulfill these roles and speak to Jon or one of leadership team to obtain the required forms before approaching. The AGM will be followed by a Church Meeting. Please find the information on the noticeboard in the book room. Please note that this is now the last day for nomination forms to be submitted.
Please also make every effort to attend these meetings.
Crafty Chatters
Do you enjoy craft? A few of us will be getting together to craft, have a chat and catch up over a cup of tea or coffee. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month from 7.30pm - 9pm. If you are interested in coming along or want to know more, have a chat with Sue Rock or Ruth Evans. The next meeting will be on the 16th September
SWBA Regional Minister Post
Please check out the advert below for a vacancy in the South Wales Baptist Association
Bethel Tots – Creche – for Babies to Reception age
Crèche is available in the Church Lounge during the morning service, Parents are advised to stay with their children. A live stream of the service is available.
Bethel Kids – Sunday – School years 1 – 4
Meeting in the Whitchurch Centre during the morning service. Come along for fun, Bible stories and games.
Bethel Teens – Sunday – School Years 5 – 9
Meeting in the Whitchurch Centre during the morning service. We have a great time, playing some games and looking in the Bible for lessons it can give us for how we live today,
To be part of any of the groups above you will need to complete the registration form online here so that we have relevant safety and contact information for your Child:
Week Groups
Bethel Teens
Tuesday 7pm – 8:15pm – School Years 5 – 9 (in term time)
A great time to get together with friends from different schools and groups. We play some challenging group games, have a laugh together and learn something new along the way.
Bethel Youth
(from September 16th)
Friday 7pm – 9pm – School Years 10 – 13 (in term time)
Every Friday we get together-we have games consoles, table tennis, pool, board games and space to chill and chat together. We also have some time to look and learn from the Bible, encouraging and growing together in faith.
Family News
Please remember all of our school, college and university students-plus all staff and parents too! as many people adjust to a new routine after the summer break
Places You Can Find Us
Film Showing at Cardiff Nantgarw Cinema
Cardiff Nantgarw Showcase cinema will be showing a new Christian film called "Redeeming Love" :
at 7.15pm on Fri. 16th and Mon. 19th Sept.
at 4.05pm on Sat. 17th and Sun. 18th Sept.
For details and to book visit:
Do go if you can. If this weekend is well attended, Showcase may well bring it back for a second week.The film is adapted from a famous novel by Francine Rivers based on Hosea chapters 1 - 3. It does have very adult themes but is ultimately a story of love and redemption.
"I was moved to healing tears while watching new film Redeeming Love, it's a story with God woven throughout"
- Stephanie Pena, reviewer, Woman Alive! magazine
There are some containers in the book room that people have kindly donated food to us in. If you see yours there, please take it. Many thanks.
News to Celebrate
If you, or someone you know, are celebrating a very special birthday or anniversary then please do let us know so we can celebrate as a church family.
Church Directory
It's that time again when we are looking to update our members and friends directory. There is a copy in the porch for you to amend or confirm your details and also a form for new members and friends to fill in.
Church Book Room
The book room has been give a good tidy and the books in there can be borrowed. If you would like to borrow a book or magazine, please write your name and what you have borrowed in the book provided and tick when returned. Many thanks.
Problem accessing online content?
If you have had a problem accessing the online blogs, sermons or newssheet, please let Lorraine in the office know as she can arrange to send these out in the post (including CD versions of the services)